PPR Fiberglass Composite Pipe

PPR Fiberglass Composite Pipe

PPR Fiberglass reinforced multilayer composite pipes

Are you searching for PPR Fiber Glass Composite Pipe Suppliers for your industrial plumbing applications? Then look no further, ANBI is the most massive Industrial PPR pipes and fittings Supplier in UAE. We have the products & expertise that can meet your requirements.

PPR Fiber Glass Pipe

ANBI is the largest distributor, retailer, wholesaler, and supplier of PPR Pipe & Fittings in UAE & Africa.

Fiber-G (PPR/Fiberglass/ PPR) composite pipes Fiber-G polymer composite pipes are produced by the multi-extrusion method with a middle layer made of a special polymer-fiberglass composition.

ANBI supplies Indoor polymer piping systems, welding equipment for polymer piping systems, extrusion equipment, molds, and polymer processing equipment./p><

All PPR products are made in compliance with international standards and are tested in special certified laboratories, our main products are certified by SKZ certification body (Germany), KIWA certification body (Netherlands) , DVGW certification (Germany), WRAS (UK), ICC-ES PMG/ ANSI certification body (USA), AENOR certification (Spain), ilac-MRA CNAS (China) and SANAS (South Africa). Our valves and accessories are certified by CE Certification in Italy.

PPR Glass Fiber Pipe

Pipes having better pressure durability and lower thermal enlarging should be preferred at hot water applications. Composite pipes present suitable solutions for these duties.


Main advantages in comparison with usual PPR pipes:

• Low thermal expansion α = 0.05mm/mK

• High stability through use reinforced special polymers and glass fiber composition

• Simple installation (similar to usual PPR pipes)

• Heating systems

• Zero oxygen infiltration

• 25% increase working pressure of the water flow with identical thickness of pipe’s wall

• The finer thickness of the pipe enables a 20% increase of fluid capacity

ANBI distributes Fiber-G (PPR Fiberglass) composite pipes.


• Cold and hot water supply systems

• Heating systems

• Piping systems for solar plants

• Central air conditioning systems

• Water circulating and water supply systems in swimming pools
